female werewolf holding axe

Welcome to the Wyrdwolf books

follow werewolf Isolde moonfleet and her friends as they fight magical crimes in this NAIL-BITING fantasy series set in the English/Welsh borderlands of britain.

All human creations, no AI involved.

Fantasy thrillers and much more. Pagan and LGBTQIA+ friendly

From the fans!

The River Wye from Symonds Yat in The Forest of Dean, Goucestershire, England

Who I am

When I started writing, there wasn’t any interest in folklore fiction and no female werewolves. So, I wrote what I wanted to read.

That all began in 1999, though I didn’t publish anything until around 2005. Until then, I wrote poetry and satirical songs to be sung at a regular pagan camp I attended. I wrote articles for a friend’s magazine and fun background material for the books. And then, the books.

It all started with what was supposed to be a short story about messing up a piece of industrial magic. That turned into a book… and then, bit by bit, another 13 books. The last one will be published in 2024.

I’m pagan. Specifically, Heathen/Asatru and a Gardnerian Wiccan High Priestess. My heroine Isolde is Heathen, though she’s surrounded by other Weres, witches, magicians and fay. The books bring a whole range of pre-Christian pagan religions and cultures into the 21st century, along with a shedload of folklore. Haunting the 'mythology' section of my local library as a child finally paid off.

The magic in the books is mainly fantasy, though most of the rules are true. For my experience, anyway. The books are available through Amazon - the rest is free. Everything is from my head - no AI involved.

