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  • teenage chatroom

    Teenage Chatroom

    a group of teenagers chat about their attitudes to werewolves and the risk of becoming one

  • Police instructions for interviewing werewolves

    How to Interview a Werewolf

    The Occult Crime Squad’s guidance on interviewing werewolves

  • Were Culture

    modern Were culture

    The Bureau of Occult Affairs has a subdivision to handle Weres. This is its internal memo on werewolf cultre in the UK

  • A brief history of managing magic

    Managing Magic

    The Bureau of Occult Affairs’ guide to the difficult relationship between magicians and the British government.

  • Occult Crime Squad guide to the gods, weres and the fay

    spoof guide to the gods and the fay

    A spoof guide to gods, the fay, weres and magic, pretending to be issued by the Occult Crime Squad

  • man-made sSami seita

    The Lay of Heron Halfelven

    a vicious fight between a nature spirit and a Sami reindeer herder about their child