Ragnarok, the last book in the Wyrdwolf series by Alexa Duir

Book 14 - Ragnarok

to be published in 2024

A few days before the family are due in France to celebrate an important birthday for Rikki, Izzy is propelled into other worlds to find a missing cockerel and avert Ragnarok. Unable to remember her adventures when she returns to Midearth, it’s up to her mates to piece together what’s going on.

As they face dangers together among the dwarves and ettins, Izzy comes to trust her taciturn guide and wants to retain her trust, but she’s conflicted. From the outset, she receives help from her fetch and from Freya, but when her mates talk about being with her, she has to keep that from her guide. She isn’t too certain about what Michael and Declan intend to do, either. It’s so off the wall she suspects she might lose them.

In any case, her relationship with Declan is at risk as she’s introduced to people from his life who reveal long-buried secrets he’s kept to himself. Despite the perils she has to face, she sticks with it to save him and the worlds. Ruin strikes when it’s least expected, dragging Izzy into a judgement she doesn’t want to make and events that will change her life forever.

  • Heathen/Asatru

  • trust