Book 13 - Here be Dragons
It’s the start of the week and there’s a strange dragon in the garden and an arrogant elf asking to be Izzy’s shadow. By the end of the morning, a screaming ambulance is racing to get her to a hospital before she dies. Recovery leaves her with odd symptoms and she’s astounded to discover she’s no longer a werewolf. Sam thinks Izzy has been deliberately poisoned by one of her colleagues, but what would have this effect? She’s exiled from the packs unless she can find a way to change back. She needs to find the paramedic who was with her in the ambulance, though that proves more difficult than she imagined.
While Michael is stuck in France sorting out a family betrayal, he’s sued for malpractice and threatened with deportation by the Home Office. Morgan is suspended from school for an infestation of pixies, the office building work is being sabotaged and Marnie’s son Ben wants Izzy to turn him into a werewolf, which is ironic given her condition.
Following Sam’s suspicions, Izzy and her mates conclude they’re under organised attack and check out leads to find who’s behind their problems. The answers lead to personal anguish and a foe they can’t defeat.
Greek -
duty vs pesonal feelings