About Wyrdwolf

Isolde Moonfleet is a wyrdwolf: a judge born to bring justice to the packs and kill their old enemy the mara, which fills wolves with bitterness and hate. It’s an uphill struggle in the face of opposition from malicious magicians, hostile fay and the oppressive Bureau of Occult Affairs, with its dreaded police force, the Inquisition.

On her side are assorted Weres and fay, together with the Irish sidhe Declan and magician Michael, the descendant of an ancient line. Together they face threats against their lives and those they love.

LGBTQIA+ friendly

This is a 14-part series weaving folklore and mythology into magical crimes.

book cover art by the excellent Tom Brown of Hopeless, Maine


Wyrdwolf book 14

This will be the last in the series and will be published in 2024