Countrygirl : WTF? I mean can anyone turn into a werewolf?
Tom67 : we did this in biology. If a werewolf marries a human they can have kids that carry the werewolf gene. If one of them marries a werewolf then they can have werewolf or human kids, depending on their gender.
Countrygirl : huh? What gender got to do with it?
Tom67 : females are more likely to be werewolves than males.
Countrygirl : no way! ur making it up. its not right.
Moonwolf21 : no hes' not.
Tom67 : it’s true. I checked online. It depends on whether the human is a carrier or not.
Countrygirl : but how u know if ur a carrier?
Tom67 : I don’t know.
Rodeorider : cant they test 4 it?
Moonwolf21 : no. no test.
Humanrites : anyways what about those peeps what get biten? If you get biten by 1 you get to be 1.
Rodeorider : thats just in movies and tv.
Tom67 : you can’t just get to be one if you’re bitten. You have to have the gene.
Moonwolf21 : it dont always work like that.
Countrygirl : so if u have the gene u only turn into 1 if they bite you?
Humanrites : you can just become 1.
Rodeorider : thats crap.
Humanrites : no wws going to bite me. Ill blast them first.
Rodeorider : what with dickhead? Your mums kitchen knife? Like, that wud make any ww sooooo scared.
Moonwolf21 : anyway, whats’ the problem? Id luv 2 have the chance to be a ww.
Humanrites : your a retard.
Countrygirl : so what if u have the gene and u marry and have kids? R they wws?
Humanrites : all your kids R wws.
Rodeorider : thats crap. Don’t beleve it.
Countrygirl : how do you know that ur not a ww then? or a carrier?
Moonwolf21 : whats' wrong with wws?
Humanrites : ill make my gf take the test. Im not marrying a fucking ww.
Moonwolf21 : your a bigot
Humanrites : FU.
Rodeorider : what happens if u fall in love with 1? What u gonna do then bigot? Or if u have sex and she has a ww baby?
Humanrites : she can have a aborshun. Im not having no ww kid.
Tom67 : you can’t have an abortion. They don’t let you have one for that.
Countrygirl : but how do u know? how can I find out if I might have ww kids? I dont want an abortion.
Moonwolf21 : why would u want to have one? Whats' wrong with a ww baby? I cant believe this. Whats' wrong with u all???
Tom67 : but then your kids have to go to a pack school and live with them. So they get to be wws anyway.
Humanrites : not mine.
Rodeorider : same here.
Countrygirl : but there has to be something they can do to help. why cant I have an normal baby if I want one?
Moonwolf21 : it dont work like that, Countrygirl.
Tom67 : are you a carrier, Countrygirl?
Humanrites : im not talking to no flesheater.
Humanrites has left the chatroom.
Rodeorider has left the chatroom.
Tom67 : Countrygirl?
Countrygirl has left the chatroom.
Moonwolf21 : I hope she finds someone to talk to.