Pagan Community Spirit

with apologies to Peter Gabriel - to the tune of “Games Without Frontiers”

Otter plays with Wolfman, Wolfman plays with Rain;
Rain plays with Amber, Amber is happy again.
Raven plays with Rowan, Rowan plays with Hwit;
Moonsong builds a Beltane fire, Crow-wife plays with it.
-Whistling tunes we tread on ideas in the moonlight
-Whistling tunes we're dissing beliefs in our forums
It's a knockout
If words could kill, they probably will
In fights between pagans - faiths without tact
Fights between pagans – faiths without tact

Mots sans etiquette

Starlight has an athame, Wodenson an axe;
They all use force to thrust them into other people’s backs.
Dressing up in costumes, playing silly games,
Hiding behind free speech shouting out rude names.
-Whistling tunes we stomp on ideas by the daylight
-Whistling tunes we piss on beliefs in our meetings
It's a knockout
If words could kill they probably will
In fights between pagans - faiths without tact
If words could kill they probably will
In fights between pagans - faiths without tact
Fights between pagans – faiths without tact

Mots sans etiquette

Alexa Duir
© 2008